Why dating a taller woman is no big deal
It’s one of the last remaining dating no-nos in straight relationships – a man dating a woman who’s taller than him. Taller women and short men still aren’t seen as a compatible pairing, due in large part to outdated assumptions about masculinity. Luckily, eharmony is here to break down some of those lingering stereotypes and show you that dating a taller woman shouldn’t be a nonstarter for a relationship.
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Why height doesn’t matter when dating
While you can filter matches by height if you choose to, think about the great people you won’t meet just because they’re a few inches shorter or taller than your “ideal” height.
Dating a taller woman says nothing about a relationship. In a world where height filters on dating apps are common, a tall woman who chooses to date a shorter man is proving she doesn’t care what other people say. You’re both appreciating each other for who you really are – which is a great quality to have in a partner.
How women feel about dating shorter guys
Remember: as many comments as a man has heard about being short, the woman has probably heard as much, if not more, about being tall. Tall women are often made to feel like they’re “too big” or “unfeminine”. We’ve all heard iterations of adults telling younger girls they need to stop growing to find a husband. We’ll say goodbye to statements like that.
Additionally, decades of stereotyping, from movies to romance novels, means women are unconsciously conditioned to seek taller partners even though height does not predict happiness.
Dating with a height difference can be difficult from the other side, too. Society tells women to be smaller and skinner than their male romantic partners. Because of this it can take some effort to get women to open their minds to the possibility of being the taller one in the relationship. Luckily, as times change and the definition of what it means to be a man and woman becomes broader and more inclusive, more and more people are coming around to ditching outdated gender stereotypes.
How you can start dating a taller woman
Even though size doesn’t determine whether two people will have a connection, there are a few tips that can help make a date with a taller woman a positive experience.
1. Be confident
Perhaps the most important dating success tip for tall women and short guys? Love yourself. Confidence is one of the most attractive features a potential partner can have. A person who is secure in themselves won’t feel threatened by an ambitious, intelligent, or talented partner – all things that are much more important than height.
2. Don’t make a big deal about dating a taller woman.
You might think you’re trying to break the ice with a height joke, but not only has the taller woman you’re trying to woo probably heard it, being reminded of her height like it’s the only important thing about her isn’t exactly going to impress her. Instead, focus on other substantive things you’ve noticed about her – not only will it be a refreshing change, but it will also signal to her that you’re interested in her personality. Not just her looks.
3. Compliment her appearance after personality.
When you’re dating a tall woman, make sure she knows that her height is one of the things you like about her, just as much as her laugh, ambition or kindness.
There’s a long list of reasons why you should date a taller woman
Dating a taller woman is literally just like dating anyone else. What is truly important in a relationship are your shared values, not external appearances. Which is why eharmony is a great choice if you’re considering dating – our unique Compatibility Matching System prioritizes personality, not height. Don’t let outdated gender norms stop you from finding love. Join eharmony today.
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